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14th District |
"A Constitutional Speech Contest" |
The 14th District Oratorical Scholarship Program Contest will be held on Sunday, December 17, 2023. |
Location will be at the American Legion Post 245, at 618 E. Kingsbury St., Seguin, Texas. |
Contest will begin at 1:00 pm. |
A contestant must be a citizen of the United States or a lawful resident of the United States. Contestants must be bona fide students under the age of 20 on the date of the National Contest and must be enrolled in a High School or Junior High School in one of the counties within the American Legion 14th District, (public, parochial, military, private or state accredited home school) in which the curriculum of the high school is considered to be of high school level, commencing with grade nine and terminating with grade twelve. Students must be enrolled in high school or junior high school during the time of participation at any level of the contest. |
What topics do contestants speak on? There will be two. The prepared oration and the assigned topic. The subject to be used for the prepared oration must be on some aspect of the Constitution of the United States with emplasis on the duties and obligations of a citizen to our government. Contact local American Legion Post Oratorical Chairman for futher information on the subjects. The prepared oration must be the original effort of each contestant and must not take up less than 8 minutes or more then 10 minutes for delivery. It must be delivered in the English language. The assigned topic. The purpose of the Assigned Topic is to test the speaker's knowledge of the subject, the extent of his or her research, and the ability to discuss the topic as related to the basic principles of government under the Constitution. The topic will be on some phase of the Constitution of the United States. The assigned topic will be no less then 3 minutes and must not exceed 5 minutes of time for delivery. |
Assigned Topics and addition information can be found at www.legion.org/oratorical . |
A contestant must have competed in a Local Post competition in order to advance to the District Competition. Contestant information must be forwarded to the District Oratorical Chairman by the Local Post Chairman prior to the Contest date. |
Contact you local Post Oratorical Chairman for more information. |
Any student interested in completing in the Oratorical Scholarship Contest need to have their High School Teacher contact your local American Legion Post for information. |
The 14th District Oratorical Chairman is Mindy Messinger, Seguin Post 245. Contact can be made by email to: messingerml@yahoo.com. |